Parents get a glimpse of the college process
The college and career counselors will be holding the first annual college and career night on Wednesday, January 15.
January 13, 2014
For many high school students, the idea of college can seem stressful and intimidating, but for many parents, it is overwhelming. The college and career counselors will be holding the first ever college and career night on Wednesday, January 15 from 6:30pm to 8:45pm.
“Our goal is to help inform parents and students of certain avenues available regarding post-secondary planning,” college and career counselor Addison Snyder said. “Topics will range from financial planning to how to research various post-secondary educational options”.
The night is designed for parents, but students are welcome as well. The goal is to help parents understand how the college process works.
“I think that the sessions will make things a lot less stressful and a lot less overwhelming for parents when it’s time to make a decision for college,” sophomore Caroline Vitanza said.
Parents and students in attendance will gain knowledge that is crucial when trying to make the college process run smoothly.
“This will benefit me and my parents because I’m the oldest child, so my parents don’t have experience with putting a kid through college,” freshman Zoe Kahana said. “I think it will also help that my family is being given this information while I’m still a freshman because that way when I’m getting ready to apply for colleges I’m not caught off guard.”
The night will consist of six sessions being taught on a rotation every 30 minutes. Parents and students will have the opportunity to attend four of their choice. The following will be taught as part of this night:
1. College Savings and Financial/Scholarship Planning — Weiner Financial Group – learn strategies families can implement now to minimize the burden of paying for college by maximizing various avenues available to them.
2. “Why AP? Benefits of students participating in a challenging curriculum” — Kathryn Pabst – understanding the benefits, both short and long term, of taking an Advanced Placement coursework.
3. Collin College, “Why Attend?”– Katie Navarte- Specifically focused on the benefits of attending Collin prior to transferring to a 4-year college or university.
4. Technical and Trade Schools — Gena Marti- “What are they, and who should attend?
5. “How to Get into an Elite Private School” — Randy Trevino
6. Naviance, “What Can My Student Do With it and How Can I Support Their College and Career Endeavors?” –Addison Snyder- This session will take parents on a virtual tour of the website. Parents do not need access to their Naviance login to participate in this session.