Extended break for dual credit classes
Dual credit classes on campus are based out of Collin College.
January 6, 2014
After two weeks off, it’s back to school for most students. However, for seniors taking dual credit, there’s a little more time as those classes don’t start until Jan. 21.
“It’s convenient,” senior Kassidy Cox said. “I have an off period in which to study.”
Dual credit allows seniors to take college courses sponsored by the Collin College. The college exam schedule, however, does not line up with the high school’s – winter break begins earlier and ends later, leaving some of the seniors with empty periods to fill for a few weeks.
“I’ll have a free period second period [for a little while],” senior Shelby Johnson said. “I might even start taking college algebra during first.”
This will be the seniors’ only chance to find out what it’s like to have an off-period, as off periods are not allowed here on campus.
“I don’t think it’s really fair to the rest of the student body,” sophomore Jacob Matacale said. “Or the other seniors. Maybe some of them didn’t take dual credit classes, and now they don’t get the free periods [their peers] are getting.”
Not all the underclassmen see this is a bad thing, though; some view it as a future opportunity.
“I don’t mind [the seniors] having free periods while the rest of us are working,” sophomore Jost Luebbe said. “We could have the same once we’re seniors.”
Many of the seniors are reaping the rewards of taking higher-level classes as they get to relax during their dual credit periods
“I love it,” Johnson said. “Especially [last week], it gave me extra time to study for my exams.”
Some seniors view taking dual credit classes as an excellent choice they’ve made.
“I like [dual credit] honestly,” senior Garrett Northcutt said. “[Taking dual credit] is probably the best decision I’ve made in high school.”
Seniors who have dual credit in the last periods of the day can even leave early these next few week.
“I can leave, like, 6th period,” senior Anthony Brigante said. “It’s great.”
Although most seem excited about going to a few less classes, a few seniors involved in dual credit can say there are drawbacks.
“Like I said, it can be convenient,” Cox said. “But my dual credit class is second period, so it’s more of a hassle. I have a first period, so I can’t come late. I guess it doesn’t change much for me.”
All in all, the seniors involved in dual credit will get a little bit more of a break than the rest of students.
“I’m really glad I get some extra time off,” Brigante said. “When school is really stressful, it’s nice to have a break.”