PTA holds e-Waste collection
People in the community can drop of old or unused electronics to the e-Waste collection in the front parking lot.
November 13, 2013
Trucks filled with old electronics like computers and cell phones will be parked on the west side of the football stadium on November 16. The Lovejoy community will try and do it’s part in preserving the environment with an e-Waste collection, held by the PTA.
While it is common on campus and in homes to recycle old paper and plastic, few students think to recycle their outdated or unwanted electronics.
A variety of electronics may be recycled. Many of these include:
Personal Computers
Laptops and Notebooks
CRT Monitors
Flat Screen Monitors
Keyboards and Mice
Printers and Copiers
Toner and Ink Cartridges
Fax Machines
Peripherals and Gadgets
Power Supplies and Chargers
Batteries and UPS Systems
Cables and Wires
Networking Equipment
Servers and Racks
Hard Drive Wipe
Kitchen Appliances
Refrigerators and Freezers
Gaming Equipment
CD’s and Video Tapes
Digital Cameras
Cell Phones and PDAs
Small electronic devices
Multi-media Equipment
Auto Batteries
Fitness Equipment
Medical Equipment
Many of these items can be found discarded in junk drawers or in boxes in the garage.
For more information, please visit the Lovejoy ISD website.