Delaney’s Dosage: The Not-So-Secrets to Happiness


A weekly dose of staff reporter Delaney Beckman’s thoughts and opinions.

Delaney Beckman, Staff Reporter

So a couple of days ago, I was talking to a very close friend of mine (his name is Ryan), and we were discussing conspiracy theories, jokes, and the meaning of life. I had a concise list going of what my life was going to be, and after a quiet moment, Ryan said, “I just want to be happy.”

Much to my surprise, he was dissatisfied with where he was in his existence, and we stumbled upon the weird epiphany that most people think their lives suck. So we teamed up and made a list of our top five universal tips to happiness. Take a gander, if you wish.

Note: They’re cliche. There’s a reason why they’re cliche, and that’s because they work. So stop rolling your eyes and actually think about these things, because there’s an 86.3 percent chance that you don’t do all of these things, and that’s why you think your life sucks.

1. Be you.

You have something no one else has. You have your own strengths, your own weaknesses, and your own calling. Stars have died for you to exist. You are made from the same elements lions are made from. You are more important than you realize. So why would you try and be someone else? Be you.

(“But Delaney, how in the world do I do that?”) I am so glad you asked: Be brave and find out every facet of who you are. Try on different personalities, read and listen to everything. Find out what interests you and research it until you don’t feel curious about it anymore, and then move onto the next thing. And for the love of Dylan O’Brien, stop liking things you hate just because everybody else thinks they’re the bomb. The biggest handicap is trying to be someone else. You simply cannot be happy if you’re expending all of your energy faking whatever it is you’re faking. So stop that.


2. Keep it simple.

We like to pretend life is complicated because that gives us an excuse to not do things we’re afraid to do. Life is not complicated. If you need or want to do something, do it. Why can’t you do whatever you should/could/would do? Give me a real reason. Spoiler alert: You’re afraid. Everyone is. Do it anyway. Making excuses and putting something off that will be hard or scary is only gonna make it harder and scarier. And it also makes you look like a coward. Don’t be that person.


3. Don’t settle.

This applies to more than how people treat you, but that’s important, too. Stop hanging out with people who make you feel like crap. If your friends or significant other or whatever people in your life make you feel like a chore or replaceable, cut them out of your life. Period. Life’s too short, y’all. But this is also about your life. The endgame. If you don’t want to live the Apple Pie Life with a McMansion and a trophy spouse and two and a half kids, that’s wonderful. What’s not wonderful is living that life anyway.

Wanna know what’s even worse? Sitting around on your butt thinking that your dream life will come to you. Nope. Go out there and seize it. No one’s gonna make your life extraordinary. That’s your job. And if you don’t know what “it” is yet, you gotta find “it” first. What do you like? What do you love? What sets your soul on fire and makes you feel like you have found what makes the planets align and unicorns puke sparkles into a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?  Do that thing. And keep doing it. And if you stop liking it, that’s fine. Go find something else. Nothing is permanent, including you. Just do something that you love, because there is something really wrong with wasting the awesome life you could have for the okay life you think you deserve. We deserve what we are willing to chase and struggle for. So chase and struggle for the life that you want.


4. Balance.

Go onto YouTube and look up “Lesson Number One” from Mulan 2. Not only will it reawaken the Disney addict in you, but it also makes a couple really awesome points. And who doesn’t love choreographed music numbers?! (I’m looking at you cynics, trying to be all tough and cynical-y. You love it. You know you do. So shush.)

Here’s the big message: Embrace the tough side of you, but also remember to be gentle. Embrace the opposites and explore them. It’ll take time, but it’s an adventure. A fun one. Also, notice Mulan says, “I’m still learning, myself.” We’re all still learning. Everyone. Your parents, your teachers, and your friends are all as clueless as you, even if it seems like they aren’t. Embrace that and learn together. Because if the chick who saved China and nabbed a war-hero hottie is still learning what life is all about, then we’ve all got a long way to go.


5. Make it happen.

Remember that “it” I was talking about? Chasing after that dream is going to be scary. In fact, it will probably be the most terrifying thing you will ever do. Because there’s always the whole failing thing. Because “the odds are against you” and “you can’t have it all” and [insert the other excuses people will throw in your face so you will do that whole “normal” thing people love/hate so much].

Lemme tell ya, having big dreams is the best thing to do if you want to find out who your real friends are, because even the people you think love you the most might not believe in you, and you can’t have that in a healthy, happy relationship. (Please see #3.)  Here’s a secret: In life, being extraordinary or noticeable or successful is unlikely. The odds are not in your favor. But the odds aren’t in anyone’s favor. So why on Earth are you worried? The Greats did it. So can you. They made it happen. So can you. Be as good as them. In fact, be better than them. Put yourself up to a challenge and move forward. Take risks. Be afraid. Acknowledge the fear. And then be brave. Amazing things will happen when you are.