The offseason has the soccer girls setting aside their cleats in lieu of dancing shoes every Monday during the athletic period. French teacher Melody Mozley leads the girls in Zumba dance routines as a fun way to maintain fitness and work out muscles that the girls don’t normally use.
“It’s a good source of exercise,” sophomore Ellie Barber said. “You do a lot of moving.”
Mozley leads the girls in dance routines to certain songs that have been pre-choreagraphed. The girls are also allowed to make requests to learn routines for current popular songs.
Adults on campus also have the opportunity to participate in the dancing craze. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Mozley opens the studio dance room to staff and administrators interested in the Zumba classes.
“I love it,” attendance clerk Judy Hise said. “I get my workout done early.”
Although it will depend on next year’s scheduling, the soccer girls and Mozley both hope to continue the Zumba tradition next year.
“It’s already been a pretty good experience for the girls,” girls soccer coach Jeff Kear said.
The last Zumba class for the soccer girls will be May 20, as this is the last Monday of the 2012-2013 school year.