The week returning from winter break is dreaded by most, but coming back to school can have its positives. Every year, the Saturday after the first week back at school, is softball’s annual whiffle ball tournament.
This year, the tournament will be set up differently. Instead of just one bracket for all teams, there will be two: fun and competitive.
“We decided that too many people were paying a lot of money and some of them were only getting two games in because the purpose that they were entering was to have a good time and they were playing against teams that were super competitive, so they’d lose their first two games and then be done for the day,” softball coach Amanda Douglas said. “This way people can play more games for the amount of money they’re paying and have a better time.”
Another change that has been made is that each team will be required to have two girls instead of one. Both girls don’t have to play at the same time, but there must be two on each team.
“We have had a lot of teams that are all girls and they were playing against a team of five boys and one girl. So we thought to make it more fair you have to have at least two girls on each team,” Douglas said.
Registration for the whiffle ball tournament is now open. Entry forms can be picked up at the front office or at the school store and must be turned in to the Lovejoy Grand Slam Club with the $50 fee.
Contact Jill Legrange for more information.