Lovejoy Theatre has wrapped up their 2024 Fall Production of Steel Magnolias, under the direction of Haley Wilborn. The comedy-drama, set in the 1980s, follows a group of six Louisiana women as they navigate each other’s changing lives. The eclectic group is composed of Shelby, a newlywed diabetic, and her mother; a town grouch named Ouiser; a former mayor’s wife; and a shy newcomer who is hired by the final member of the group, beauty parlour owner Truvy. The entire play is set inside Truvy’s Beauty Spot, where the group’s strong friendship is prominent as the women manage loss, family relationships, health and personal growth.
Lovejoy Theatre started working on the comedy-drama at the beginning of September, giving them a small window of time to prepare. Senior Clare Christenson, who played Shelby, commented that “the process of being in a show is certainly not an easy one” but felt the pain was worth the reward of “perform[ing] an amazing piece of art.” Similarly, Sophomore Chayse Huhnke (Truvy) was “grateful [she] was able to be a part of [theatre] and the journey.” She added that the play “was a blast to be a part of.”
Putting on a full-length play is no easy task on the tech side of production either; the week-long frenzy of rehearsals, technical practice and script adjustments leading up to opening night is dubbed “Tech Week” by LHS theatre students.
“We’re at school working every day till 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. on various things,” senior Pinella Crosson, Lovejoy Theatre’s Head Costume Designer, said. “Mrs. Wilborn always has something to fix or tweak.”
Galilea Cardenas was proud to be able to “broaden [her] skills” and “serve as a mentor.” Cardenas is the theatre’s sole Student Technical Director – coordinating sound, lights, rigging and set design between directors, actors and technicians.
Coming off the success of Steel Magnolias, students, parents and fans can expect more great plays from the theatre program. Lovejoy Theatre plans to show three more major performances this year: Charlotte’s Web in December, Cinderella in late January and a UIL one-act play in March. Sophie Konecny (Sr.), who played M’Lynn, concluded that “we’ve got something for everyone, so come see a show!”