Behind the scenes: Fall show
Sarah Hibberd, Staff Writer
Ronald Gabriel Paolillo’s The Lost Boy is coming to life this Friday and Saturday in the auditorium. Four of the production’s key crew members, one actor, tech director, stage manager, and costume mistress share their responsibilities and challenges preparing for this fall show. Tickets are currently available for purchase on the school website.

Mia Chase, Tech Director
Senior Mia Chase takes on the role of tech director, a job usually assigned to an adult. Mia’s main responsibilities require overview and direction over all crewheads. “Every single technical aspect I oversee and direct it to make sure it goes the way we want it,” Chase said. “I design every single aspect with crew heads just to make the individual aspects look good. I am in charge of...

Elizabeth Esposito, Stage Manager
Junior Elizabeth Esposito is entering her first year as stage manager in high school. The job requires close, consistent attention on improvement as the first show of the year is growing near. “It's a lot of note-taking and a lot of figuring out what is going on off and on stage,” Esposito said. “It's a big overview of everything that is going on. You always have to be sitting there watch...

Isabella Ruiz, Costume Mistress
As rehearsals commence and preparations are in full swing, sophomore Isabella Ruiz is taking her final measurements and alterations to the entire cast’s costumes as costume mistress. “Since after-school rehearsals started, it’s just been a bunch of alterations,” Ruiz said. “So hemming pants, cutting ribbons for fairy costumes, taking things in on dresses, skirts, pants. I take alterat...

Peyton Nicholson, Actor
For this year’s fall show, senior Peyton Nicholson continues his journey in acting by kicking off the school year with his lead role in The Lost Boy. “I’m playing James Berry and he is the author of Peter Pan,” Nicholson said. “James’ brother dies and he wants to live on his story, so he tells his story through Peter Pan.” As the lead of James Berry, Nicholson has received an abundan...
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