On The Spots feature community members’ perspectives on relevant topics.
On The Spot: Keeping masks
Audrey McCaffity, Staff Writer

Sophomore Chase Roundtree
“I don’t mind [the mask] much, as long as it is keeping people safe. I don’t care either way if the mask mandate is there next year because it doesn’t really affect me that much.”

Senior Paige White
“I think it [keeping masks in school] is good because it is going to help students stay safe and make them feel more comfortable, especially if they are at-risks students, so I think it is a great idea. I think the mask mandate depends on the circumstances next year. If it is looking better yes, but if it’s more of the same, I think we should keep it.”

Freshman Lauren Dolberry
“I think it is a smart choice to keep the masks on, so that we are not spreading it more. I hope at some point next year, the mask mandate will leave because I want things to go back to as normal as they can be, like not having to social distance all the time and just being able to have friends over.”

Senior Arturo Yundt-Pacheco
“I think that masks are not a big problem, and whenever people are whining about masks, they are exaggerating. I agree with [the decision]. I think that the majority of people that are complaining are parents, and the students are fine with it.”

Junior Nicholas Aguilar
“I think since we have already gone through the whole school year. I think we should finish it out, so that we don’t have to worry about the spread rising again. I hope that it will be lifted, but if we need to keep it, I am for keeping it.”

Freshman Andrew Poulton
“We should definitely keep masks. Even though they get a little annoying, we should keep them because it will help everyone else. I hope it gets lifted next year because as I said, they are annoying, but it is good to keep everyone healthy if we are keeping it through the end of the year.”

Sophomore Veronica Nickell
“I think it is a good decision because if everyone is safe, it will work out for the school. If we didn’t have masks, it would put a lot of people at risk, and it wouldn’t be good. If covid gets better and more vaccines are available, potentially [mask could go away] next year, but it also really doesn’t hurt to keep the mask even for stuff besides covid.”

Junior Eden Sanchez
“I think it is good to keep the mask mandate because it keeps everyone safe. For next year, it depends on how bad the virus is. [The masks] have made it easier to learn this school year.”
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