Pick 6: Saints disappoint
Slowly but steadily, TRL’s “experts” are improving. Only one picker had a losing record last week, Doig. The Saint’s loss to the Eagles rocked the grid and added to everyone’s losing record.
This week will either be many wins or many losses as all pickers chose the same teams with the exception of Chiefs vs. Saints. Will the Saints disappoint Doig, Friloux and Lauter yet again? Stay tuned.
Last week’s guest picker was senior football player Isaiah Smith. Smith has played running back, receiver, linebacker and defensive back for the team. Smith was able to win the week going 4-2 overall and continuing the guest’s lead.
This week, TRL welcomes their very own photography editor, Olivia Lauter. Lauter is a junior on the varsity cheer team, and also cheers outside of school. Her favorite thing to do after football games is to go to Whataburger.
Let us know your predictions in a comment down below.

Heading into her second year on staff, senior Katie Dolberry is excited to take on the role of sports editor and photographer. She would like to pursue...