High school introduces new five-day schedule
Yesterday the district announced that high school students will have the option to return to school five days a week. This schedule change will be implemented Oct. 13.
September 25, 2020
Following the first three weeks of in-person classes, Superintendent Dr. Michael Goddard sent out an email notifying high school students and parents that school will go back to a five-day instructional week. This will go into effect starting Tuesday, Oct. 13. Students who choose to attend classes on campus will go to school Monday through Friday and will still follow the A/B day schedule.
“I think that with the scheduling, you’re not going to make everybody happy,” animation teacher and electives department chair Ray Cooper said. “That’s probably what we need to say to begin with. Everybody has their reasons and that’s very valid. When I heard the news yesterday, my first thought was that I’m glad this is happening because I miss my students.”
Along with teachers that miss having a full classroom, some students also miss seeing their peers in person.
“I think it will be nice to see friends and get almost back to normal,” senior Cole Monroe said. “I know a lot of my friends are staying online, so it will be interesting to see how it plays out.”
The on-campus option, while positive for some, brings concerns for other students and staff members in regards to maintaining a safe and healthy environment.
“I am terrified because of the fact that not only am I immunocompromised and at high risk, but there’s other teachers that are as well,” geometry teacher Crystal Smith said. “I want to see students back on campus, and I miss students being on campus, but my life is more valuable. I really am conflicted.”
Despite having differing reasons for their opinions on the introduction of a five-day school week, teachers have confidence in the decisions of administration.
“I trust and support [Principal] Chris Mayfield, [and] I trust our admin,” said Cooper. “I trust those people immensely. I know that they’re trying to do the right thing and, you know, I’m excited to see my students.”