Prom cancelled for entire student body
Yesterday it was officially announced that prom was cancelled. The school is still looking to host an alternative event in light that students can return to school in May.
April 7, 2020
Principal Chris Mayfield announced yesterday that prom, which was scheduled for April 4, is officially cancelled.
“We had been in communication with the Dallas Museum of Art to look at moving the event to May, but now that option isn’t possible,” Mayfield said.
The COVID-19 virus hasn’t only affected athletic and academic events, but now has also affected the entire student body.
“I was pretty disappointed [about prom], and it was something I was looking forward to,” senior Shauna Pugh said. “I’m sad about what is happening to everyone due to the virus, but I didn’t realize it would take a toll in all of our communities.”
The school is looking at other options to make up for the missed experience for seniors.
“Although prom has been cancelled, we are hoping to create alternative experiences if we are able to return to school in May,” counselor Mary Cabrera said. “I know those won’t be the same as they have been in year’s past, but we want to make the most of any time we have left together this year.”
Though this pandemic has affected everyone at school, prom was the event for seniors besides graduation.
“Prom is one of those once in a [lifetime] events that you never get to do except for in high school, so I figured they would hold out as long as possible for us,” senior Sean Summers said. But it is what it is, and we just have to make the most out of it.”