Jared Langs: Basketball–Wesleyan College

February 6, 2020

The Red Ledger: What sport do you play, and how long have you been playing?

Jared Langs: I play basketball, and I’ve been playing it for as long as I can remember, probably the 2nd grade. 

TRL: What goals do you have for college sports?

JL: I hope to help my team as best as I can, and make it far in the tournament. 

TRL: Would you ever consider going professional?

JL: I think it would be really cool, it would be really cool to play overseas. It’s not necessarily my goal at my time to play pro, but I’ll see where it takes me. 

TRL: How has playing sports impacted your life?

JL: It’s been pretty big, and it’s taught me a bunch of life lessons like teamwork and working hard for what you want. It’s fun and it’s a great way to meet people. 

TRL: What is your best memory regarding this sport?

JL: My favorite memory is probably going to Kansas over the summer, and we had a team camp up in Kansas.

TRL: Why did you choose this school?

JL: I chose it because over the summer I had gone to a couple of camps, and they were one of the schools who had shown the most interest in me. And when I visited I liked the guys there, and I liked the coach, and it’s just a really high academic school. 

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