Improv troupe to perform Halloween show
Senior Bryce Fuller and junior Jack Marsden entertain students during intermission at Mr. Lovejoy with an improv show.
October 29, 2019
The annual Halloween improv show will occur on Oct. 30 from 6 -7 p.m. in the black box theatre. The event will have free admission.
“We do the same improv games we do at every other improv show, but they are all halloween themed,” senior Bryce Fuller said.
The show will consist of heavy audience interaction from the actors.
“The shows we do are a combination of audience participation, puns and rhyming games, jump out games and scenes all with scenarios inspired by suggestions from the audience,” senior Kyra Jacobs said. “We prepare the order of games and basic structure, but the content is all improvised in the moment.”
Fuller said the show has improved over the years, citing moving locations and increasing professionalism as reasons for the growth.
“We’ve grown a lot over the years as a troop and taking it more seriously,” Fuller said. “For example, moving it to the black box instead of doing it in the lecture hall like we did before. We’ve made it more of a community which people can watch.”
The improv group has a sponsor for the troup, Don Carter, and three team captains along with a junior captain.
“[Carter] instructs all of our rehearsals and emcees all of our shows,” Fuller said. “He also takes improv classes at the comedy arena in Mckinney to stay on top of his stuff.”
The improv group practices every other week on top of normal theatre practices which can last anywhere from two-six hours. This is one of many shows put on by the Improv group. There will typically be a
“We have the Halloween one, we have the back to school one that we already did, and we have a Christmas one,” Fuller said. “We usually have two in the spring, one for Valentines Day and one for the end of school.”