Olivia Lauter

Sophomore Andrew Mao, President

TRL: Why did you choose to run for an officer position?

Andrew Mao: The NHS is a good organization, but it’s lacking in a lot of areas. For example, the individual’s relation to the community versus the organization’s relation to the community, there’s just so many problems with the NHS, and I think this is undermining its original purpose, which is why I chose to run for president.

TRL: What specific goals do you have for the future of NHS? What can be improved?

AM: I hope to increase community engagement with the NHS, for example with Relay for life, it’s very good, but it could be better, and we could do more with it. In addition, I hope to change the way we do service hours. I think fewer individual service hours, but more group activities would be best for the organization.

TRL: What sets you apart from other candidates?

AM: I’m an outside, I have a fresh perspective of the organization, and I can see the flaws. In addition, I’m the only candidate who is committed to doing what’s best for the community, and what’s best for the organization.

TRL: What makes you a qualified leader?

AM: My diligence- I do a lot of extracurricular activities, and I pursue that to the maximum. I hope to bring that same work ethic to the NHS. In addition, my passion to the organization. I was previously in the National Junior Honor Society where I got the gold medal for having the most service hours. Furthermore, its my vision that makes me qualified as a leader for this organization.

TRL: What would be the first thing you would change about NHS if you were elected?

AM: The first thing I would change is completely restructuring the way that service hours operate- make it emphasize more on the organization and organizational activities than individual service hours.

TRL: Why is NHS and what it stands for important to you?

AM: NHS is important to me because I think it represents the values that I believe in. These are good values and I hate to see these values wasted by just putting this organization on a resume and doing just service hours. I think that is a complete waste of this organization.


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