On The Spot: High school regrets
Joeley Hedgcoxe, Staff Writer

Attendance clerk Debra Hogan
“I think in high school I wish I would’ve taken typing. Back then, we weren’t pushed and encouraged to take it so once I got to college I was lost.”

Cafeteria worker Sarah Sanchez
“[I regret] any time I wasn’t nice to somebody, there’s no reason to ever be mean or talk bad to somebody. If I see that here I’ll say something, but I definitely try to push that onto my kids.”

Receptionist Lottie Bock
“Not going on the spanish trip to Spain, I wanted to go to Spain and travel changes you. I don’t know what was holding me back, though.”

Economics and Government teacher Will Yaeger
“I wish that I would have done more than one sport so that I could have developed different skills and learned from different people. Now I preach that idea of being diverse with what you do.”

History teacher Brandon Barter
“I wish I would’ve taken on more of an academic load, I was too busy with sports and with my girlfriend to really focus on going to class, so I would’ve like to be more engaged in the classroom. Now I try to teach my students to balance their school and their life yet enjoying their free time.”

Counselor Janet Richardson
“I wish I wouldn’t have graduated a year early, I missed out on my whole senior year.”
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