The boys and girls soccer teams are hosting a Juggle-athon on Saturday, Oct. 13 from 10 to 10:30 p.m. on the Willow Springs soccer field to raise money for their programs. The teams hope to raise $10,000 for improvements to their facilities.
If the players reach their goal, the team will purchase new equipment and materials. If any extra money is raised, other equipment such as parkas, warm-ups and small-sided goals will be purchased.
The fundraiser is running from Sept. 24 to Oct. 19 when they will have collected final donations. Anyone can donate to the soccer teams by either paying a flat fee in support of a participating player or by paying per the player’s largest consecutive juggle time. To join the fundraiser, just contact a soccer player and they can add people to the list of people donating based on their performance or email coach Ian Keeble or coach Alex Duran to be put into contact with a soccer player. It’s possible to donate through either cash or a check made payable to the Upper 90 Booster Club.
“On some level it’s a bit of a gamble,” junior Reagan Matacale said.“Because you never know the final amount of money you’re donating until the day of the event, but the money is going to a good cause. It’s all in good fun.”
The Juggle-athon will have financial benefits and improvements, but it is also a way to bond for team members.
“I really do appreciate opportunities to team bond and get to know everyone [in events] such as the Juggle-athon,” Matacale said. “Because it’s something so fundamental in the future of the program.”
Other than new equipment for the soccer program, Keeble promised something else to his players.
“I promised the boys and girls teams that if they raised $10,000 I would let them shave a mohawk into my head,” Keeble said.
To Matacale, this gesture would not only be fun, but a way for Keeble to build a stronger bond with the team as it is his first year coaching the girls’ team.
“Him agreeing to this kind of starts his future with the girl’s program with some memories and creates a solid foundation for the season,” Matacale said.