’99 Pieces of Art on the Wall’
AP Art students participate in Denver art auction
Senior Sarah Nash works with ballpoint pen on her multimedia piece.
Denver, Colorado’s annual fundraising event 99 Pieces of Art on the Wall showcased artists, local celebrities and other program participants on Sept. 21. Proceeds from the evening were donated towards assisting their mission to open more doors for people with disabilities.
“The competition is a direct way that I can use my hard work and gifts to help others,” senior Avery Silliman said. “It gives the work a more tangible purpose for me.”
The host of the event, Access Gallery, states on their website that the organization “firmly believes that every young person with a disability deserves access to appropriate arts learning experiences.”
“All art educators should be appropriately prepared to include students with disabilities in their instruction. All children and adults with disabilities should have complete access to community cultural facilities and activities. All individuals with disabilities who aspire to careers in the arts should have the opportunity to develop appropriate skills” as stated on their website.
“[Mr. McCasland] was the one who told us about the opportunity to have our work in this art show,” senior Sarah Nash said. “What the Access Gallery is doing for disabled artists is really important, so making an art piece to sell and donate seems very much reasonable as an artist myself.”
Each student created a work on a 9×12 inch board that will be one of the “99 pieces” auctioned for charity. AP 2D and Drawing students all had an opportunity to participate, but nothing was required. Art teacher Brice McCasland said the fundraiser gives art students a chance to make a difference.
“While this is not a competition, it is even more important,” McCasland said. “It gives [Lovejoy Visual Art] students an opportunity to use their work to give back and impact people beyond an award or prize. ”
Students created and priced their artwork specifically for the buyers. With the auction on Sept. 21, participants entered their pieces and sent them to Denver.
“The work they donated will help fund creative pursuits for other people,” McCasland said, “and I don’t believe there is anything greater than using a personal gift to give back to others.”

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