Ed-emojis: Back to school, parking lot patrol, teacher recommendations and more

Stressed: College applications
With the fall season coming around, for seniors it means college application time. Most universities’ applications are open already, and many seniors have already started to apply. However, applying for colleges can be time consuming and stressful. Not only do students have to assemble a resume, write essays and make sure test scores are up to par, but normal high school responsibilities such as...

Amused: Covered courtyard
After days on end of heavy rain, students and faculty suffer the consequences of the school’s lack of a covered courtyard. There’s nothing they can do about it, so the appropriate and natural response is to sit back and watch the show. There’s something about watching everyone enter the school looking like a drowned rat that unifies the people of Lovejoy. Instead of wallowing self-pity of washe...

Disappointed: Off campus lunch
As the school year commences, so do the rules prohibiting off-campus lunch and students walking to their cars during the school day. To students, it seems like an attempt to conform students to an unrealistic and confining school schedule. Students cannot to go to their car during the school day without being stopped by some form of administration patrolling the parking lot. Some students just want to...

Thankful: Recommendation letters
At the beginning of the school year, college counselors consult the seniors on what they must do for their digital portfolio to apply for the college(s) they choose. One of the most essential features required to apply for certain prestigious colleges are teacher recommendations. Every year, seniors ask teachers they believe they haven’t annoyed in the past to share some kind words on their a...

Worried: Impacts of stress
Extracurriculars, homework, and constant studying are just a few roadblocks a student might face while having to balance work, meals and an eight hour sleep schedule. It is achievable, but even doing all of this will come with negative side effects. Sleep deprivation can spark a chain reaction in how the student performs in school with consequences such as an inability to focus, poor grades, anxiety and even depression. Stre...

Shocked: Lack of young voters
Isn’t it shocking that we now have so many seniors in the school who now wield the power to change the course of the city, state, and country, but so many of them are hesitant to use it. The power in the question is the right to vote. Because the United States is a representative democracy, the only time that we the people have any kind of say in what goes on is when we elect leaders to make decisi...
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