Lovejoy Acts of Random Kindness spreads positivity
The new club meets every other Wednesday before and after school.
Simple acts like holding doors open for people and writing notes of appreciation are the focus of one of the school’s newest groups, LARK (Lovejoy Acts of Random Kindness) Club.
Club members help the school by performing acts that could help both their peers and teachers.
“L.A.R.K. has a very simple goal: spread kindness and positivity,” said AP English language teacher and sponsor Jasen Eairheart.
The club meets together both before and after school every other Wednesday from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m. and 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. in room D115. The members talk about kind acts they have done or ideas for other classmates.
Not only do the students in the club help students on campus, but they also help off campus too.
“We have some things in the works where we will be making and baking things off campus to bring to bus drivers and custodians,” senior Audrey Supan said.
Students not only do off campus activities, they also prepare for festive holidays and seasons.
“Furthermore, we have plans for the holiday season that have yet to be finalized,” Supan said. “The great thing about that club right now is that it is still developing and we get to make these decisions as we go.”
At this point, no sign-up forms or filling out information is needed.
“Signing up might possibly be the easiest process ever,” Supan said. “All you have to do is show up to a meeting, sign in with your name, grade and phone number and you can officially call yourself a LARK member even if you go to one or all of the meetings.”
Audrey, along with other students, believe that this club will shine and help out all grades.
“All grade levels are welcome,” Supan said, “because anybody can be kind.”