Ed-emojis: End of the year, june bugs, service dogs, and more

Excited: Summer’s approach
With the prospect of summer quickly approaching, we feel a heavy weight on our shoulders as finals and AP exams commence. It can be difficult to find the motivation to end the year strong. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and yes, there is an end to the school year (thank heavens). Graduation parties, end of year projects, and the making of plans for next year’s school year are j...

Anxious: After school traffic
At the close of every school day, students anxiously sit in parking lot traffic. People disregard stop signs, cut each other off and create absolute mayhem. This can be frustrating and even dangerous. There will inevitably be traffic after school every day, but that doesn’t mean that drivers–students and adults–should disrespect one another or ignore the unwritten rules of courteous driving. Most t...

Relieved: Time to chill
The finish line is in sight. Oh, what a weight it is that is being lifted from our chests. This must have been what the Titan Atlas felt like when he finally relinquished the burden of the sky, or Abraham Lincoln when Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, or literally anybody the first time they slip into a hot tub. At last, the year is all but through. For nine months our noses have been shove...

Stressed: End of year workload
With the school year coming to a close, most of the workload is slowing. With varying teaching styles, the end of the year work solely depends on how a student's specific teacher chooses to spend their time. After a long year of continuous work, students should be able to unwind as they prepare to bring the school year to a rest. Teachers should give students time after they have completed nec...

Angry: Unapproved service dogs
A service dog is defined as a dog that is required to mitigate a disability that inhibits the everyday life of someone. Yet there is no law saying a certification is required, so many people put a vest on an untrained dog claiming that they “help with my stress,” and take them in public places. This ruins the image of the people who work hard with their service dog and need them to physically or ...

Annoyed: June bugs
With June still half a month away, there’s no reason june bugs should be buzzing around street lamps and the courtyard tables already. There’s no reason for them to be buzzing around at all. We see them flipped on their backs, not able to move an inch, serving no purpose aside from causing us to squint in discomfort after stepping on one. Junebugs are the ugly step-cousin to the rolly-polly,...
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