School to host book fair and escape room
Library media specialist Emma McDonald sets up a book display for the upcoming week.
April 20, 2018
The library will host its “Gearing Up for Summer Reading” book fair from April 23 to 27. Along with the book fair, students and staff will have the opportunity to take part in the library’s very own “Time Shift” escape room.
“I just kind of thought it would be fun to do something steampunk and try to do something different,” librarian Emma McDonald said. “Then a couple of studies suggested gears because gears are very much in steampunk, and eventually we got to ‘Gearing Up for Summer Reading.’”
“Time Shift” will be the library’s fourth escape room, and it will encourages students to learn “communication and cooperation,” according to librarian Janet Tillman. The book fair will provide a way for students to purchase their required summer reading books along with some new titles.
“There’ll be a variety books, so the summer reads will be there, and then they will send us books that are maybe old favorites, and then they’ll also send us new titles that have just been published within the last year,” McDonald said. “It should be a really good selection.”
Library Advisory Board and student participation played a huge role in organizing both the book fair and the escape room.
“This year I’m putting up posters and stuff [for the Book Fair], so most of the physical labor,” sophomore Hudson Samuels said.“I’ve helped by designing the theme of the escape room, and I’ve also helped by designing and coding the timer.”
The book fair will be open to students, staff, and other community members throughout the day whilst escape room sessions will be limited to 12 people and only be offered after school or during the day upon request.
“One of the main reasons of having a book fair is because it’s important to own your own book so that it’s yours,” Tillman said. “You can reread it, you can mark in it, or whatever you want to do. And so I think it exposes kids to a lot of different books.”