Ask an adult
Shivani Radhakrishnan, Staff Writer

Art teacher Amanda Beller
The Red Ledger: What is your biggest advice for students? Amanda Beller: [My biggest] advice for students [is] just to remember it’s not all about the academics. I have a lot of students that I feel like are very pressured. I even heard one today trying to decide about what classes to take to boost their GPA more, and when I was in school, I didn’t have that pressure. [My advice would be] e...

English teacher Tricia Brown
The Red Ledger: What is your biggest advice for students? Tricia Brown: I would say my biggest advice for students is that they be themselves and embrace who they are. I think sometimes that is difficult for kids in high school because they’re constantly trying to fit in, and they fit themselves into these boxes. But then they lose sight of who they are. High school [is] the time for you to figure o...

Band director Paul Heuer
The Red Ledger: What is your biggest advice for students? Paul Heuer: Go after what you want in your life. I think when you’re young sometimes and you're growing up, things feel easy and that you’re given those things, but I think the older you get, the more successful you want to be. As you get older, [you realize] that nobody is going to give you anything. You’re in charge of your desti...

AP human geography teacher Homa Lewis
The Red Ledger: What is your biggest advice for students? Homa Lewis: Ask for what you want. If you want more time, ask. If you want a different project, ask. And that holds true for anybody. Ask. Don’t tell yourself no, have somebody else tell you no. TRL: What do you wish you knew when you were our age? HL: I wish I knew that life didn’t go in a straight line. You’re going to take turns that ...

AP world history teacher John Gore
The Red Ledger: What is your biggest advice for students? John Gore: Learn good time management skills. If you can do that, I promise you, you can be successful at the next level in college. I want kids to understand I don’t want them to not take school seriously, but I don’t want them to let tests or essays make or break their whole demeanor. Come back more determined, but don’t let it define...

Spanish teacher Jose Madrid
The Red Ledger: What is your biggest advice for students? Jose Madrid: My biggest advice would be to not see your life as so much as a single track from which you can’t deviate. So rather than getting caught in a rut [about a] master plan, I suggest you be open to all the possibilities because what you end up doing in the future might be very different then what you planned to do originally....
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