Debate heads to Harvard
Debate will be competing with teams from across the nation as they travel to the prestigious university.
February 15, 2018
The debate team will take a cross country trip to Cambridge, MA to participate in the 44th Annual Harvard National Forensics Tournament, a qualifying event for the Tournament of Champions in Kansas City, Mo..
“I’m participating in public forum debate, current event-type of debate– [in this event,] you and a partner debat[e] about things happening in today’s world,” sophomore Garrett Larson said. “But I’m most excited to take the tour of Harvard, to go and look at everything, and see how technologically advanced they are.”
Debate teacher Tami Parker said she is looking forward to seeing a new college campus.
“I love watching the students as they get to have this new experience,” Parker said. “We are also lucky that we have one of our alumni, Colin Cross, that is in school at Boston, and he will be coming to help us get prepped and spend some time with the team. The competition is, of course, exciting since it is a national circuit tournament, but Boston is a very historical town, so there are a lot of exciting things to see and do.” Depending on how far students go in the tournament, the students could be cheering on their teammates until Sunday, Feb. 18.
The debate students participating in this tournament had to meet certain criteria, such as passing classes and having attended a certain number of events.
“There is no way to predict how the Harvard tournament will go,” Parker said. “We have some very strong juniors and seniors who have competed on the national circuit before, so I am excited to see how they do against other national competitors.”