Our Living Planet seeks to expand student perspectives
The Our Living Planet club will meet before school on Wednesday, Feb. 21 in D119.
February 12, 2018
Teenagers can be known for not always being aware of what’s happening outside of their technology and friends. Real world problems can be pushed aside to make room for what might actually be less important. Sophomore Alejandra Rodriguez started a club in hopes of solving that issue.
Rodriguez created Our Living Planet club with sophomore Mia Szczesny. The club encourages students to learn more about real-world events they may be unfamiliar with. Before each meeting, a topic is assigned that the members research on their own time. They then meet up and have a conversation where everyone can share their opinion.
“I’ve always been interested in current events and news,” Rodriguez said. “I hope that, for the future of this club, people just learn new things and tell more people about it. I think discussing and spreading awareness [on different issues] is a simple way to have everyone gather together and talk. Not a lot of people are mindful of what’s going on in other countries or our community, so I think it’s important people learn what’s going on.”
At the first meeting, the topic of discussion was recycling. Future topics include endangered marine life, world hunger, world trade, water pollution, and unknown facts about the food industry.
“[I think this club is important to have] because the environment is an important place,” Szczesny said. “We only have one, and we need to learn how to take care of it. This club helps us do that and discuss issues within our planet and what we can do to help the planet.”
To sign up for the club, contact Rodriguez, Szczesny, or English teacher and club sponsor Lindsay Hamilton. The club has a meeting Wednesday, Feb. 21, from 8:15 to 8:45 a.m. in D119.