Playlist: Winter solstice songs
Katie Bardwell provides a winter playlist of 24 songs to listen to over the break.
Winter has begun as we all cross our fingers for snow even though the forecast says 70 degrees and sunny. Below is a playlist with the songs reminiscent of cold winter nights and sweet hot chocolate. There are 24 songs on the playlist, and the following are my top five:
“Bitter Pill” by Gavin James: This song is beautiful and heartbreaking to listen to, as it’s full of emotion. I love how you can hear the sadness in the voice of James. He does a great job mirroring his voice with the regretful lyrics. This song is one for sitting peacefully in front of a fire.
“The Globalist” by Muse: This song is a masterpiece. Muse is one of the most amazing bands out there, with song writing as creative and genius as Queen. This song may be pretty long, but it’s worth a full listen while you are driving around looking at Christmas lights.
“Love at First Sight” by The Brobecks: This is a cute song about getting flustered in a first encounter. It makes me think of the first time meeting someone who you know instantly will be a big part of your life. It is so sweet and an easy song to listen to. It reminds me of laughing and drinking peppermint hot chocolate with a friend or a date in the cold weather.
“Dancing On My Own (Acoustic)” by Calum Scott: This is one of my favorite songs. It is a heartbreaking piece about love and loss. This song would pair well with some fuzzy socks and a cozy blanket to cuddle up with.
“Little Grace” by Hippo Campus: This song is fun and enjoyable. It puts you in a good mood from the very start, and I love the playful percussion. It is definitely a song to play at your New Year’s Eve party.

Katie Bardwell is a senior, and this is her first year on The Red Ledger staff. She is excited to finally test out the waters of journalism. Katie has...