Environmental Club to clean up Lake Lavon Saturday
Spearheaded by junior Jerad King, the newly-reintroduced group has a focus on service and the community
This Saturday, the Environmental Club will be clearing Flood Debris from Lake Lavon, featured above.
March 29, 2017
The nature in the area may begin to look a bit cleaner thanks to the Environmental Club. Junior Jared King recently created the club, allowing students to make change in the environment around them through community events, teamwork, and activism.
“The Environmental Club was something that I created to try and get the school and community engagement in helping the community,” King said. “Previously the environmental club operated at more of a school level, but I wanted to take this to more of a community level and see if we could participate in cleanup projects around the health of the environment around our local area.”
This Saturday, the club will be clearing flood debris from Clear Lake park in Lake Lavon from 9 a.m.to 12 p.m. Six service hours will be given out to those who attend, and students are encouraged to bring gloves and wear adequate work clothes. There will be a meeting Thursday morning at 8:15 a.m. in E206 containing additional information on the clean-up.
“I’m looking forward to seeing the difference in the beach, because I’ve seen it recently and it’s really dirty so I’m just looking forward to seeing it after it’s done,” senior Eden Harris said.
Harris is in AP Environmental Science and joined the club because of her passion for the subject.
“I care about preserving the environment,” Harris said. “I feel that a lot of people in the school don’t have awareness for that, so I think that the club will help start awareness.”
For junior Carly Johnson, her reason for joining the Environmental Club came from personal experience.
“I’ve always been interested in environmental issues, I actually adopted an orangutan when I was 13,” Johnson said. “ Ever since then I have been working with the community.”
In the future, the club intends to speak to audiences outside of the school walls to raise environmental awareness.
“We plan on going to the elementary schools and giving talks there and maybe the intermediate school and talking to kids there,” King said. “Just really telling people about environmentally safe practices and telling people the facts so they know what they are doing has an effect.”
Club meetings take place Tuesdays at 8:15 a.m. in Pam Brooks’s classroom, E206. More information and updates regarding the club can be found on Twitter @LojoEnviroClub.
David R Grote • Jul 16, 2017 at 4:12 pm
I like this Environmental Group, I am the creator of Lake Lavon clean up. If we could get both groups together we could make a massive difference.
Can you have Jared contact me?
[email protected]
You can find me on Facebook at lakelavoncleanup.
We have over 200 numbers and our second meet up is tonight at Lake Lavon to clean up Ticket Creek Park.