Movies according to Patrick: March releases

Facebook/Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

After a few months lacking quality movie releases, March has several anticipated films.

Patrick Compton, Staff Reporter

Following the dark months of movies (January and February), it’s now time to look ahead in the month of March and see which films seem the most interesting based off either their premise, marketing, or casts.

3: “Zootopia” (March 4)

Zootopia is the only film on this list that has already been released, and it is the newest addition to the library of Disney 3D animated films alongside “Tangled,” “Wreck It Ralph” and “Frozen.” This purely animal-focused flick looks to be a lot of fun for the whole family with an awesome cast including Jason Bateman, Idris Elba and JK Simmons. The animation looks stellar, as always, and it will hopefully hit the same emotional high points that it’s predecessors have. It’s safe to say that this one will be an enjoyable ride.

2: “10 Cloverfield Lane” (March 10)

The most interesting film on this list in terms of production; nobody knew of this film’s existence until just two months ago with the release of the trailer. Given that we are in the age of everything being leaked on the internet, that is quite an impressive move on the studio’s part. Like the original Cloverfield, it is unknown exactly what the characters in the film are running from. Whether it’s a giant monster again, or something else entirely, we’ll have to wait and see. Hopefully the film itself will keep the same intrigue that the trailer has.

1: “Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice” (March 25)

Batman vs. Superman, a showdown years in the making, and one that fans have been waiting years for, Batman and Superman will finally appear on screen together in live action form. With an all-star cast, a soundtrack shaping up to be a treat for the ears, and incredible looking visual effects, this film seems to have everything going for it. That is, aside from a few worries that many people seem to have, like the odd casting of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, the seemingly overabundance of characters from the comics, cinematography that may be a tad too dark, and the rumors surrounding the project’s troubled production; it’ll definitely be interesting to see how successful this film turns out to be.