Internet outage impacts multiple campuses

Staff Photo

Students in Jennifer Holcomb’s fifth period photojournalism class play Uno during the Internet outage on Thursday. The students served as models for other photographers taking action photos while Photoshop was unavailable.

Hannah Ortega, Lead Reporter

Lovejoy High School is off the grid.

Due to a internet outage Thursday during fourth period, students and staff can’t log into their computers, and school phones are not functioning.

“The fiber cable that connects all of our data- our phones, the network, the wifi, all of that- has been cut by some kind of road construction that they were doing,” library media specialist Emma McDonald said. “That basically cut us off.”

The lack of technology has put a dent in some of the teachers’ lessons, and they now have to come up with a new plan for their classes.

“[I’m] kind of scrambling right now,” animation teacher Ray Cooper said. “There’s a lot of old school animation stuff we can do. A lot of it still does involve computers, but I am going to come up with something so it’s not a waste of time.”

The high school is not the only LISD school that is suffering from the outage, however.

“The fiber has been cut to the high school, Hart, Willow Springs, and transportation,” McDonald said. “But the red building, Puster and Lovejoy Elementary are, I understand, all still fine.”

At this time it is unknown when online capabilities will be restored to the campus.