Column: Ode to a once lost love
Frozen delight inspires poetic response

Earlier in the year, a discovery of listeria in the factories stole away the beloved Blue Bell ice cream. Now, after months of depravity, this Texas tradition is back in full swing.
November 6, 2015
Oh how I’ve missed you,
Your taste on my lips.
Disease is what took you
four months on a slip.
With no more to give
And a sadness so much
I could barely live
without your savory touch.
Creamy in texture,
whiter than snow,
the most perfect mixture
one could ever bestow.
My fudge has been waiting,
months upon end.
Where do I put it?
but drizzled on your scooped head.
Your bell rung so loud,
the bell that is blue.
I have been worried sick
thinking about eating you.
Three people dead,
but what does it matter,
I tried to be mad
those feelings soon shattered.
At last you are back
the crowds are a frenzy
the sound of a crack
and your tub serves a plenty.
Oh Blue Bell I’ve missed you
I’ve missed you, oh so,
long held in virtue,
Now I may eat you in whole.
Carson Buckner • Nov 6, 2015 at 1:14 pm
This is probably the best thing that has ever been posted to the red ledger.