John Cena: the next great American president
Currently, the US is facing countless issues, both domestic and foreign, such as immigration and tax reform. Because of this, America needs someone to unite them, guide them, and change the path of the country. What America needs is John Cena: the next great American president.
October 26, 2015
You can hear it now, thousands of people cheering his name, not as he enters the ring, but as he rips off his shirt at the next presidential inauguration Friday January 20th, 2017.
John Cena, the famed WWE wrestler, and long time japanese anime fanatic, is not the man we deserve to have as president, but he is the man we need. With Joe Biden soon to announce whether he is running for president, it is a great time for Cena to announce his candidacy for president as well. Cena, according to sources, would run as an Independent, with his campaign money coming from individuals donors who support him and his ideas rather than large companies who try to buy influence.
Often overlooked as the political guru that he is, Cena has been hesitant to showcase his abilities of political diplomacy. Among the issues of immigration, heightened tensions with Russia and the Middle East, and how Cena’s music career didn’t blow up after his release of his self written song “Basic Thuganomics,” Cena is set up to tackle all of the issues in his wake to becoming the next great president.
Immigration, for Cena, is an easy problem to fix, rather than build a wall like presidential candidate Donald Trump suggests, Cena would just stand at the border ready to choke slam any illegal immigrants that try to cross the border. Rather than blocking out the border completely, this would scare immigrants into coming into the country the legal way. The commander-in-chief enforcing the laws at the border, not with a wall or surveillance system, but him by himself, in his tights and big smile staring into the faces of those escaping a struggling country to come to America, to achieve the American dream. When Cena is in office though, the American dream is no longer going from nothing to becoming a prosperous and wealthy person, rather it is perfecting Cena’s five moves of doom, which he will dish out on every person who tries to cross the border illegally.
In terms of international diplomacy, Russia has been a headache lately, with the annexation of Crimea, and their continued influence in the middle east with drone strikes. Sanctions have been placed and negotiation talks have happened, but the one way we can solve this problem completely is if John Cena can take over. Putin and his russian forces would pull out of Crimea the very second they saw Cena coming towards them, walk-up song blaring, shirt torn off revealing his red, white, and blue painted chest screaming America and patriotism, as the whole world begins in an ever louder “USA” chant, and Putin’s ears are filled with the loud song of the Statue of Liberty singing her great cry of freedom.
No man or woman would have the same effectiveness in international diplomacy, not Clinton, nor Trump, Fiorina, Carson, Sanders, only Cena.
As far as domestic problems go, crime level would drop to zero percent. Cena would give the American public an attitude adjustment, no one would commit any more crimes, because rather than prison, punishment would be given out in certain time lengths of having to listen to Cena’s many published songs, including H-U-S-T-L-E remix, Chicago Bling, and many more.
Cena is the best candidate for president, tying in his influence both internationally and domestically, he could rally the American public to be unified once more. Coming into the political realm with biceps a blazing, don’t be surprised if you see Cena doing take down moves to secret service agents in the front lawn of the White House a year from now.