Until the final bell
As the school year comes to an end, many classes have become easier and the work load has become lighter. However, it is important that students continue to work hard until the final bell.
May 28, 2015
Most students are familiar with the concept of having work to do until the end of school. Even if there are classes that relax towards the end, there are still others that learn new materials and take finals until the last period. Often, these classes are the ones complained about, as students generally don’t want to work when summer is so close.
However, it is also these classes that give work out that make attending school at the end of the year still have a point, both in what can be gained educationally and in the purpose for coming to school.
The point of coming to school is to learn things. While many students welcome the idea of a class with no work, if every class were to have no work, then there would be no point of coming to school, and blow off classes would ironically become the topic of complaint. As fun as it can be to just relax in a class, most students can probably chill out better away from school. Unfortunately, even if all classes on a schedule are blow offs, the student still has to come to school. Classes that turn into blow offs where students watch movies or just hang out do not fulfill a purpose that school has over any other place.
Classes that still have work to do also usually provide introductions to future courses that the student will take when they return to schooling, whether in high school or a university. These early lessons can provide a very helpful foundation to help students get back in the swing later on, and they also make it easier for a student to be eased back into the process of learning. Also, working until the end makes the summer freedom that much more contrasting and that much more pleasant as a result.
As the school year winds down and everybody on campus looked towards the final bell, keep in mind the classes that still give coming to school a reason.