The ultimate pass time
This spring, the courtyard has been filled with flying frisbees as students found Ultimate Frisbee as their school day pass time.
May 26, 2015
Most people may think that throwing around a plastic disc frisbee with some friends is just an inexpensive, casual activity. However, several students have begun to take this past time a little bit more seriously.
“I first started playing ultimate at my mission trip this past summer and that was a lot of fun,” senior Kaylin King said. “When I came back home, my sister started playing with me, so I started to get really into it. From then on, anytime someone had a frisbee with them, I’d jump in and play, and this summer I will be joining an actual organized league.”
For most of these students, the game started out as a casual activity but they gradually got hooked on the sport.
“Some of my friends and I have been playing a lot of frisbee over the summer,” senior Blake Herring said. “We’ve kept it pretty casual by just playing it in the pool or the courtyard. One day we were just like why don’t we go out and play ultimate frisbee or something, so now, whenever we get the chance, we go out to Celebration and throw the frisbee around and just have fun with it.”
A few students will be participating in the Allen Ultimate League this summer.
“This summer, I will be competing in the ultimate frisbee league in Allen,” senior Garron Weeks said. “Ultimate Frisbee is so much fun because it pretty much combines football and frisbee which are two quality American pastimes.”

Some student’s love of Ultimate Frisbee is going to continue over the summer if they choose to participate in the Allen Ultimate Frisbee League.
Weeks takes whatever chance he can get to throw the disc, even if it’s at night.
“I’ve been tossing the ‘ole disc around for quite awhile now,” Weeks said. “I really enjoy how casual and fun it is to throw around with some friends. I even have a frisbee that has LEDs in it which enables it to glow in the dark, so my frisbee buddies and I can throw it around at nighttime.”
Herring will also be involved in the Allen league and is planning on continuing his ultimate career when he gets to college.
“I’m actually going to join a league this summer here in Allen,” Herring said. “When I get to Harding University in Arkansas, I’m actually going to be trying out for the team there. It started out as a hobby but now has expanded into something even more than that for me.”
What started out as a hobby for Herring has become a passion.
“It’s a lot of fun,” Herring said. “It’s actually really simple. Everyone thinks that you have good at running around and be super athletic, but it’s not like that at all. Anytime I’m just sitting in class, I wish I was outside playing frisbee; that’s how much I enjoy it. Anyone can learn. Anyone can do it, and it’s something that I believe that anyone can enjoy.”