A word wall of 200
In order to help her students prepare for their AP exams on Friday May 15, Human Geography teacher asked students to each make a poster covering a specific vocabulary word.
May 14, 2015
Walking down the D-Hall on the second floor students are met with the sight of nearly 200 colorful posters featuring terminology hanging outside the freshman AP Human Geography room of Homa Lewis. This “Word Wall” is a way to give students a quick study session.
“All of the words are terms they have to know for the AP exam,” Lewis said. “Each student received a word that we talked about throughout the course of the year and they had to define it along with drawing a creative picture that explains it. I hung them all up outside this year because I thought they would be easily accessible.”
Her students seem to like the different approach to a review.
“We go over a lot of definitions in this class so it’s hard to remember them all,” freshman Sean Gassman said. “When you walk by in the hallways you can read a new poster and just remind yourself what the term means. It’s helpful.”
Former students of the class remember doing the project last year and how much it helped them.
“The AP exam is really definition based,” sophomore Rachel Patterson said. “If you didn’t know a term in the question it was hard to get the answer. I remember making the term posters last year and then hanging them up in the room. I would sit in class and just read a few off the walls. It only took a few seconds each day but ended up helping me study.”