Q&A: Debbie Barnes on senior questions
The counselors clear up some common senior confusions.
May 8, 2015
With many seniors on campus unsure about final class ranks and grades, The Red Ledger’s Katie Brucher tracked down campus registrar Debbie Barnes as well as college career counselor Addison Snyder in order to clear confusion and answer many common senior questions.
The Red Ledger: When do/did senior’s ranks freeze?
Barnes: “Final rank for seniors freezes after the fifth six weeks of their senior year.”
The Red Ledger: What does this mean for grades?
Barnes: “Grades continue on for official GPA and credit till the end of the school year. This is a process that was decided by Lovejoy ISD.”
The Red Ledger: When will seniors know their official rankings?
Barnes: “We are planning on completing this process by Friday, maybe sooner. Once we are finished, seniors will be able to view their final class rank on Naviance.”
The Red Ledger: How many absences are students allowed to have if they want to be exempt from their finals?
Snyder: “If a student has a 90 average or higher for semester two they can have no more than four absences, 80 average or higher they can have no more than three, and a 70 average or higher they can have no more than two absences. Also, three tardies equal one absence.”
The Red Ledger: Can students take the exam even if they are exempt?
Snyder: “If a student would like to take an exam if they feel it will benefit their grade.”
The Red Ledger: What types of absences don’t count against exemptions?
Snyder: “The only absences that don’t count against exemptions are school field trips, doctor’s notes, and college visits.”
The Red Ledger: If students aren’t taking a final what grade goes into the semester two final slot?
Snyder: “If a student is exempt from their finals their semester two average will be duplicated as the final grade.”