‘Waving Goodbye’ cut short
The company of Waving Goodbye by Jamie Pachino received 4 awards at the UIL district competition, but did not advance to the next level.
March 30, 2015
The cast and crew of Waving Good Bye won several awards in Saturday’s UIL One Act Play District Meet at Grayson College in Denison, but the show failed to advance from the district level for the first time since 2011.
“Everyone was very supportive before and after the contest, which meant so much,” junior Rachel Jackson said. “Not advancing was of course devastating but I learned a lot through this experience.”
Although the performance did not advance past the first round, the cast believes the show was in a great place.
“We told our story as genuinely and with as much honesty as we could,” junior stage manager Sonali Mentha said. “We were able to build strong relationships with one another in the meantime. There isn’t much I would trade my experience in One Act Play for.”
The District competition had eight participating schools with three advancing plays. Prosper, Denison and McKinney North were the advancing schools.
“We couldn’t be more proud of the company of ‘Waving Goodbye,’” director Jessica Brewster said. “They had a beautiful show and represented our school and its ideals well. They displayed superior acting talent and sportsmanship throughout the whole contest.”
Although the cast did not advance, they received three individual awards as well as Best Overall Technical Crew.
“Saturday was so bittersweet because we went out there and gave it our absolute all,” Best Technician award recipient and sophomore Caroline Smith said. “It was the best performance we had ever done. The feeling of pride I got after the performance was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I am so amazed by the talent our department has and also the amazing sportsmanship, integrity, and kindness we put forth.”
Smith won an individual award, best technician, as well as sophomore Morgan Riddle for Honorable Mention Actress and senior Haley Brown for All Star Cast Actress.
The last time the theater department didn’t advance out of the District level was the show ‘Nevermore’ in 2011. Although the department was disappointed with the news, both cast and directors support their artistic choices.
“Their show was touching and believable, very human,” Brewster said. “Our students handled the news well, and stand by their work and their show. We are very proud of them!”
Not advancing has not been a setback to the cast, but, instead, an extra motivator for next year’s One Act Play competition.
“I grew as an actress and made tons of wonderful memories along the way,” Jackson said. “I can’t wait to use this setback as a motivation for next year!”