District seeking waiver for third bad weather day

The District is seeking a waiver from the State of Texas for the third snow day.
March 25, 2015
The first two bad weather days that led to school being closed will be made up on April 3 and May 25, but no decision has been made regarding the third bad weather that shut down the district on March 5.
“The Texas Education Code allows school districts to seek a waiver if we miss more than two days,” superintendent Ted Moore said. “I plan to seek a waiver. TEA will answer in four to six weeks.”
The waiver must be approved or rejected by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) but the school will not lose any state funding for that day.
“If the waiver is not accepted, we will get with the principals together and decide on the best available dates,” Moore said. “We will send our recommendation to the Lovejoy School board for approval. With that said, I expect TEA to approve our waiver.”