Teams work around weather

Despite the field at Leopard Stadium being covered with snow and ice on Wednesday morning, the girls varsity soccer game is still scheduled to take place at 6 p.m.
February 25, 2015
Bad weather days can be made up in the classroom, but in athletics, missed practice can be hard to make up. With no school Monday or Tuesday, teams were unable to practice or play.
Both the boys and girls varsity soccer teams had their games moved from Tuesday to Wednesday at 6 p.m. The boys travel to Sherman while the girls play Sherman at home.
“Not having practice will definitely affect our touches and even our endurance,” junior Kaylee Grigg said. “Especially with the weather like it was, no one could get out to workout or just get off our feet. It affects the way we play because we haven’t been together to get our chemistry going and keeping it strong.”
The golf team has the district tournament coming up and the lack of practice and play could be hard to to overcome.
“With districts coming up it takes away more time for us to prepare and improve our game,” senior Maddie Pool said. “Also, with the weather days it caused a tournament on Friday to be cancelled for the boys, and the girls tournament was cancelled on Tuesday. Tournaments are the best way to prepare mentally.”