Bad weather make up days already scheduled

Snow dusted the area Wednesday morning but it did nothing to disrupt school. However, the two days missed Monday and Tuesday will have to be made up later in the year.
February 25, 2015
Monday and Tuesday’s missed school days will be made up Friday, April 3 (Good Friday) and Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day).
“When we build the calendar, we build in a couple of what we call bad weather days which are days that are initially a holiday,” Principal Chris Mayfield said. “But if we get bad weather and have to have school closings then those are days designated to be make up days for that bad weather.”
It is a possibility for the state to waive bad weather days, but the school has chosen to make them up.
“If there are other days that happen then that’s where there potentially could be an application for a waiver but that would go through the district office, so our central administration would be the ones who would determine what steps we would go through either to apply for a waiver or whether we would select an additional day to add to the calendar,” Mayfield said.