Side parking lots closed for school construction
A member of the construction team installs fencing to keep students out of the construction areas.
February 19, 2015
Parking on campus will be more limited beginning Thursday as the east parking lot by the gym, the majority of the west parking lot by the auditorium and a section of the parking lot in front of the multipurpose building to the west of Leopard Stadium will be fenced off for construction equipment as the expansion of the school is set to begin. With no word on how many parking spots will be lost, the school plans on being flexible with who parks where.
“We are not sure exactly how much of the west parking lot they are going to utilize,” principal Chris Mayfield said. “My understanding is that they won’t be using all of it, but i’m just not sure how far it’s going to extend. What we are going to do is let students who are affected by the construction park in the front parking lot or in one of the unmarked spaces or they can choose a marked space and switch their parking spots.”
While many teachers will be forced to find a new spot, they don’t seem to be bothered by the displacement.
“It’s not that big of a deal, I’m just going to park farther away which will actually be good for me because I’ll exercise more,” engineering teacher Brian Lidington said. “I’m excited that they’re building the new wing because there will be an engineering lab.”
But not everybody feels the same way as the parking lots will be blocked off for a minimum of several months.
“I’m probably going to have to walk farther,” junior Morgan Garrett said. “It’s just going to be a pain.”