Be a strong, independent, safe woman
It may be hard to think like a strong, independent woman with so many rape cases going on throughout the world, but it is still very possible to be a independent but also SAFE woman.
December 31, 2014
Type in the word “rape” into Google and hit the news tab. Every hour there is a new story about a woman’s abduction, rape or attack. According to the Rape Crisis Center, 44 percent of female rape victims are under the age of 18. It’s important for girls to understand the effects of sexual assault and how to avoid putting yourself in a dangerous position where you could be harmed.
A good portion of teenagers drive cars, and they aren’t always with people when driving. Especially with the holidays here, girls are usually spending the day rushing alone from store to store picking out the perfect gift for their friends. Unfortunately, this puts them in an incredibly vulnerable position. Thirty-three percent of women were attacked between 6 a.m and 6 p.m. When you’re headed to CVS, going to an event, sporting game or other activity always stay a little bit paranoid, don’t loiter in your car, walk in a parking garage or other enclosed space by yourself. I’m a huge offender when it comes to doing things alone. I get groceries, coffee, and gas alone. Though it isn’t something that can always be done, try to run errands with friends or family. A lot of times I even take my dog with me to get gas or food. There are so many ways to stay safe and prevent putting yourself in an uncomfortable position.
Rolling Stone magazine reported on the story adding the worry of backlash that the victim will receive from her peers. The RCC reports that sexual assault is one of the most under-reported crimes, with an average of 30 percent being reported to the police each year. Rape victims are three times more likely to suffer from depression and 26 times more likely to abuse drugs.
Rape is only one of the dangers women are more susceptible to when they’re alone. Mississippi 19-year-old Jessica Chambers went to go clean out her car and grab some food and never came back. She was attacked, had gasoline poured down her nose and throat, gashed over the head and set on fire. Chambers lived long enough to make it to the roadside and receive police assistance before she passed away.
Without the proper knowledge of self-defense and prevention of attack, females are easy targets for larger and stronger men. Sometimes even the proper roundhouse kick won’t be able to get rid of a man with a gun to your side. Encourage your friends to understand the importance of educating yourself on how to stay safe and secure when alone or put in a dangerous situation.
Long story short, being alone can be dangerous. Women are susceptible to attack and rape. Every two minutes someone in the United States is sexually assaulted. Eighty-seven percent of women assaulted are physically injured after the attack.
Look out for your friends. If someone confides in you, tell the proper authorities. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, 60 percent of rapes are never reported and 97 percent of rapists never spend a day in jail for their sexual crimes. No woman should ever feel scared or alone when she has been put in that situation. Fifty percent of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows. If a rape victim has been attacked by someone they know, they may not be sure who to trust. They may feel embarrassed or scared, but helping someone through that sort of situation will make them stronger in the long run.
And don’t forget to be conscious of your surroundings, know how to defend yourself and always be cautious when alone. Personal security isn’t something that should be ignored. Brush up on your street smarts this holiday season. You can be a strong, independent woman if you want, just make sure to do it safely.
Sources for Aide in Female Self Defense:
For Victim Support:
Mandy • Jan 1, 2015 at 10:06 pm
If you, or someone you know, is a victim of sexual assault, tell someone immediatly. It is nothing to be ashamed about because it is NOT YOUR FAULT. It is important you tell someone immediately so the offender can be caught. I’ve been told that it is smart not o shower afterwards if that happens so the police can run tests and find DNA to be evidence in court. Thank you Catherie for this important article.