Bullies here, bullies there

Abbie Omotayo, Staff Reporter

It is unwanted and aggressive behavior among people that involves teasing, name-calling, taunting, threatening and so on. Bullying happens everywhere, especially in school with more than 3.2 million students getting bullied each year.  It happens to people who are seen as different, or cannot defend themselves or have low self-esteem.

I experienced being bullied in school and until this day I still don’t know why I was bullied but I will tell you that it wasn’t fun. I honestly didn’t even know I was being bullied until I started to feel the pain. I was just sad because it was one specific girl who bullied me and she made other people do the same as well. I definitely felt alone and uncared for because the only thing people would do was laugh, they couldn’t stop the bully because they were afraid of the bully themselves.

When I came to America I saw people being bullied worse than I was and to be honest I didn’t see any reason to stop it because I didn’t realize it was bullying. Even my friends bullied other people in front of me, and I didn’t do anything about it because I was afraid that I was going to be called out or be considered “unpopular”. All this bullying can lead to something worse, the person being bullied can attempt to commit suicide, suffer from depression or have trouble trusting and communicating with others.

The bullies themselves have their own reason why they treat others in such a horrible way. A large number of bullies come from dysfunctional homes where they don’t get the attention they need, they may also witness their parents being aggressive towards other people. Others just do it to “fit in” and make sure that people become afraid of them and they are too scared to talk back to the bullies or even try to make the bully mad.

Think of a bully as sandpaper; they may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end you end up polished and they end up useless.