October 25, 2014

A family portrait shows the Viel family with sons Justin and Alec, along with Shelby and husband Jason.
Wristbands and shirts are being given out to the community to spread awareness of Lovejoy mom Shelby Viel’s fight with cancer. But it’s not a new battle.
“I was diagnosed with carcinoid cancer of the intestines on New Year’s Eve 1998, only six months after marrying [my husband],” Shelby said. “I immediately searched for a plan of action, and found an oncologist.”
Despite her diagnosis Shelby was able have children.
“I diligently attended my oncology appointments, and complied with every request,” Shelby said. “Eventually I had my two sons, Justin and Alec.”
Shelby has undergone various treatments to try and fight off the cancer.
“Our fight has included numerous scary treatments, even a trip to Switzerland, to find the best treatment options available a few years ago,” Shelby said. “I have had several big surgeries, tolerated several systemic radiation treatments, local radiation, shots, chemo and other drugs to decrease tumor bulk and symptoms over the years.”
Shelby and her family have been able to remain positive.
“We focus on the positive and prepare for the quick twists, turns and drops of this ride with our Faith in the forefront and our eyes wide open,” Shelby said. “I visualize myself healthy, happy and healed. I focus on my dream to raise our boys, be a mother- in-law, spoil my grandbabies, and celebrate future anniversaries with my amazing husband. We know miracles happen and pray my/our healing to be one of them.”
Despite her positive attitude, Shelby admits it’s not always easy to live with cancer.
“I/we have hit some real lows due to illness and pain. This terrible disease affects us all, not just me,” Shelby said.
The situation is equally difficult for Shelby’s family.
“I cope through football and sports,” son Justin Viel said. “I just let my anger and aggression [about the whole situation] out in sports.”
The Willow Springs football players dedicated a game to Shelby last week.
“My cousin, who is a varsity football player who might go to play college football spoke to us about strength that we should use my mom as an inspiration,” Justin said. “We decorated the stands and fields and it was really cool.”
The Viels are thankful for the Lovejoy community supporting them.
“We are incredibly lucky to have a supportive family, live in Lucas and be a part of our Lovejoy ISD community,” Shelby said.
It is through this community that Shelby’s nephew has started the campaign, #ShelbyStrong.
“My nephew, Jaxson Deaton, [began the] #ShelbyStrong campaign,” Shelby said. “A campaign started by my nephew’s motivation to try his hardest on and off the football field in honor of my long standing courage as I fight for my life. A life I live for my family. The #ShelbyStrong effort is intended to act as a way to encourage others to stay positive, try their hardest each day, fight for what one wants in life, and stay strong.”
Wristbands and shirts in honor of this campaign and Shelby’s fight are being given out for free at the Willow Springs campus.
“The wristbands’ and shirts’ main purpose is to spread the word about carcinoid cancer and to show support to those who are affected by it,” Justin said.