Moms work on mums for months
From garters to mums, the Majestic moms have a variety of homecoming accessories for sale every day during lunch.
September 25, 2014
The annual Majestic Mum sales table has been set up in the commons for weeks, but the work began months before.
“Making as many mums as we make, we make about 200 mums-we start on getting the ribbons and cutting everything as kind of a yearly process,” head Majestic Mum Debra Reed said. “But we really start making the mums in the summer. This year we started the first week of June, so it takes us about 3 or so months.”
The search for the perfect mum materials can take the moms all over the city. And after all that searching it can take hours until the creation is complete.
“We look everywhere and shop everywhere, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and there’s a mum store that we shop at called The Sale Place,” Reed said. “It can take a minimum of four hours to make a mum. It could take days if you’re stuck in the creative process.”
The Majestic moms are the main force behind the creation of all the mums on campus.
“It is the Majestics booster club, so it is a volunteer basis,” Reed said. “It can go anywhere from two to ten people at a mum making session.”
A mum can help make Homecoming an event student’s never forget, and when bought on campus, it benefits the Majestic’s themselves.
“We spend the profits on our spring show, on the lighting, and any new costumes that we need to get for the show,” Reed said.
Sometimes the Majestics themselves benefit from the mum sales.
“This year my boyfriend bought my mum from the Majestics,” senior Majestic Payton Welch said. “I think it’s a good way to raise money and it’s something fun to do.”
The Majestics also use the mums to connect to the younger generation.
“I feel like a lot of girls like the mums and like to support us,” senior Majestic Courtney Reed said. “Little girls like them because we make mini mums for them.”
Creating mums is a way for the Majestic moms to help the program.
“For us, to be creative, because dance is so creative we love it,” Reed said. “We pour our creative spirit into these mums, we do it from our heart, we do it from love because we want to give a good product, and we want to represent the school and Majestics well.”