Allen participates in Great American Cleanup
Allen High School is one of the sites residents of Allen can drop off their items in the Great American Clean Up.
May 2, 2014
Allen residents are invited to recycle or dispose of their large items or to donate old items on May 3 for the Great American Cleanup.
“The Great American Cleanup is focused on providing an opportunity to throw large items away,” Allen Education Specialist Casey Bennett said. “It’s scheduling in the Spring is in line with the “Spring Cleaning” mentality of most Allenites. Allen Recycles Day is an event held in the Fall that is focused almost primarily on collecting recyclables and donations for the holidays.”
The event provides services that help residents clear the clutter.
“The benefits to the community are multi-faceted: not only does Keep Allen Beautiful provide services like electronics recycling and paper shredding without any cost to the resident, but the disposal of waste can also be very expensive,” Bennett said. “While tipping fees at the landfill remain relatively low compared to the rest of the country, a major renovation of a home could bring major waste disposal fees. It also teaches residents the importance of reuse and provides precious items to charitable organizations in attendance at our events. Additionally, the recycling of electronics keeps hazardous chemicals and other precious metals out of the landfill.”
Only Allen residents are able to participate in the Great American Cleanup.
“At this time only Allen residents are invited to participate at the GAC & ARD,” Bennett said. “Proof of residency must be shown through a City of Allen water bill AND current driver’s license.”
The day provides another opportunity for students: the chance to earn service hours.
“Students are welcome to contact Casey Bennett with Keep Allen Beautiful (KAB) if they would like to support the Great American Cleanup (GAC) on Saturday, May 3rd,” Bennett said. “With prom that night, the GAC will be a great opportunity to begin the day with service to the community. Please call 214-509-4555 or email [email protected] for more details.”
It’s an opportunity worth exploring for some students.
“If I needed service hours I would definitely volunteer for this,” junior Kate Hawley said. “It sounds like a great opportunity to help out with the community and make a difference while earning hours.”