The lights come up on “The Women of Lockerbie”

The one act play company will be performing “The Women of Lockerbie,” on Friday, April 18 in the auditorium.
April 18, 2014
The lights fade up to the glow of the blue Pan Am symbol, then there’s a click in the audience and time has begun. In less than 40 minutes a compilation of 11 actors and five technicians must tell the story of one of the most emotionally tragic terrorist plane crashes in history.
The UIL One Act Play’s current show is called The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort. It tells the story of a married couple, Bill (junior Ben Meaders) and Madeline Livingston (sophomore Catherine Hathaway), and their journey to Lockerbie Scotland 7 years after their son, Adam, died as a victim in a terrorist plane crash. Madeline is in a constant battle between the search for a piece of her son and the crumbling relationship with her husband. The Women of Lockerbie tells this story in a mere 40 minutes.
The One Act Play company has already received many awards for the show including Best Actor, Best Actress, All Star Actor, Honorable Mention Actor, All Star Technician and has won Best Tech for all 2014 one act competitions they have competed in.
The Women of Lockerbie will be performed Friday April 18 at 6:30 p.m in the auditorium. It is the only home performance.
Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults.
The One Act cast will also be performing at the UIL One Act Regionals competition at The University of Texas Arlington at The Texas Hall on April 30 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 for all six performing shows.