Teacher catches Olympic fever
Teacher Michael Voth wears his Canada hat in support of his native nation in the winter Olympics.
February 21, 2014
Physics teacher Mike Voth, a native Canadian, is passionate about the Winter Olympics. The Red Ledger was able to catch up with him and ask about his love for the games.
The Red Ledger: How big are the Winter Olympics to Canadians?
Voth: “They are a very big deal. The last gold medal for Canada in the 2010 Olympics 80 percent of Canadians watched.”
The Red Ledger: Personally, how into the Winter Olympics are you?
Voth: “I am very into the Olympics like most Canadians. Hockey and curling are must win events for us.”
The Red Ledger: How do you keep up with the games while at school?
Voth: “There’s an app that keeps track of the scores and medal count and streams video of the events.”
The Red Ledger: Are you the only person in America that cares about curling?
Voth: “No there’s many Canadians in the metroplex that probably care about curling.”
The Red Ledger: Do you think it’s an injustice that there is no curling rink in the Dallas area?
Voth: “Yes. You would think of the 7 million people here you would find enough people that want to curl to have a rink.”
The Red Ledger: Have you been discriminated against for being a Canadian during the Olympics?
Voth: “Absolutely. People say things to me that stereotype Canadians like making fun of my accent, or Canadian bacon and maple syrup.”
The Red Ledger: Is there any way you can tie in physics lesson plans with the Olympics?
Voth: “Definitely. If there was a sport that was built around physics it would be curling. I teach a video lab about it and have a book about physics and the Winter Olympics.”
The Red Ledger: What was your reaction to the women’s hockey final yesterday?
Voth: “I was very pleased. I celebrated very much.”
The Red Ledger: Final question, U.S. or Canadian donuts?
Voth: “There’s no comparison. Canadian donuts are a million times better.”