Students get a taste of Deaf Coffee
ASL students recently had the opportunity to go to Deaf Coffee. This trip enriched the students learning experience by giving them a “real life” example of when they will use ASL.
December 20, 2013
American Sign Language III classes had the opportunity to immerse themselves in deaf culture last weekend at the Deaf Coffee event in McKinney.
“It benefited the students and the deaf community,” junior Anastasia Shelley said. “The event was hosted by the deaf community to help others learn what it is like being in a deaf environment.”
Deaf Coffee takes place on the second Friday each month from 7-10 p.m. at Starbucks Coffee in McKinney. Deaf Coffee takes place across the nation on a regular basis to spread awareness of the deaf community.
It started in California as a website with only three coffee places in April 2003.
ASL students are active in a number of other activities to increase their knowledge of the language and deaf community, such as organizing deaf carnivals. The school is also one of a select few high schools and universities around the nation to have an American Sign Language Honor Society.
“The ASL Honor Society gives students a good opportunity to work with students with the same interest, the same goals,” ASL teacher Edward Bart said. “They have the opportunity to get to know different aspects of the deaf community, and go more in depth with the language.”