Good food for good scores
Connor Cross and Michael Jones
This year’s Advanced Academic Banquet will be held at the Courtyard Marriott in Allen on January 5, 2014.
December 11, 2013
Classy clothes, chocolate cake, compelling company, and cheerful celebration. That’s what in store for the Advanced Academic Banquet being held on January 5, 2014 at the Courtyard Marriott in Allen. The banquet is being held for students from the classes of 2013 and 2014 who were named either AP Scholars by the College Board, or 2013 National Merit Finalists.
“Lovejoy’s Advanced Academic Banquet is appreciated by the entire community as we celebrate the successes of our most recent graduates and current high school scholars,” Lovejoy ISD Advanced Academic Coordinator Kathryn Pabst said. “This exceptional event honors the highest levels of national academic performance and unites students, parents, teachers, administration, and community members. This upscale occasion is special for each student with individual awards, a keynote speaker, a delicious dinner, and a chance for students to reunite with classmates and AP teachers.”
The current juniors and seniors listed among this year’s award recipients will have at least one more year in which to complete college level AP courses and possibly earn a higher level AP Scholar Award from their performance on the AP Exams at the end of the school year. The banquet is an opportunity to recognize excellence in the school’s academic program.
“Lovejoy generously honors those who have taken on the challenge of academic excellence,” Pabst said.
The night will feature Dr. Michael Stoff from the University of Texas at Austin as the keynote speaker. Aside from the speech and dinner, attendees will have time to connect with other AP scholars, alums, AP teachers, and other district officials.
There are four categories of distinction: AP Scholar, AP Scholar with Honor, Ap Scholar with Distinction, and National AP Scholar. The AP exams are scored on a one to five scoring system with most colleges and universities awarding credit if students receive a three or higher.
AP Scholar criteria includes completing 3 or more AP exams with scores of three or higher.
AP Scholar with Honor-criteria includes earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken and scores of three or higher on four or more of these exams.
AP Scholar with Distinction-criteria includes earning a 3.5 on all AP exams taken and scores of three or higher on five or more of these exams.
National AP Scholar-criteria includes receiving an average grade of four on all tests taken and grades of four or higher on eight of these exams.
A list of the AP Scholars being honored this year can be found here. The names are categorized by the level of award, with bold names being students from the graduated Class of 2013, and unbolded names being students from the present senior Class of 2014.