UPDATED: Senior shirts keep it “C14SSY”

Some of the senior girls gather in the commons during the day to take a picture in their Class of 2014 senior shirts.
September 26, 2013
Senior shirts are nothing new. But Marisa Lizana did things a bit different for this year’s senior class; she made the shirts herself, before school even started.
“I originally got the idea from a friend that goes to a different school and at first I was just messing around coming up with ideas on the website,” Lizana said.
After putting some time into it, she created a design she liked and one she hoped others would like as well.
“I showed my friends and they loved it so I decided to actually make and order them,” Lizana said. “At first I was thinking a smaller amount of girls because I just sent out a group text to like 15 girls, but people told their friends and teammates and I ended up ordering almost 60 shirts.”
Senior shirts are on sale for both boys and girls. The shirts are $15 and all profits will go to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis research.
“My really close family friend was diagnosed with ALS and it has no cure, it’s a terminal disease, so I made it my Senior Project because I wanted to donate the money that I made from the senior shirts to research,” senior Marisa Lizana said. “It’s also really fun for the senior class to have matching shirts.”
The shirt is available in blue, red, and white. You can order shirts by emailing Marisa at [email protected]
If you are interested in these shirts, contact senior Marisa Lizana for more information at: [email protected].